David Slepkow is a Personal Injury attorney licensed in Rhode Island (RI) and Massachusetts (MA). He has over 17 years of experience helping injured victims.
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The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court in Dicarlo v. Suffolk Construction Company determined that Workers Compensation Insurance Companies in Massachusetts were barred from placing a lien on the pain and suffering 3rd party negligence claims of injured victims. This ruling in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts dealt a significant blow to big insurance and their heavy handed and…
When you sign a lease to rent a home, condominium, apartment or townhouse, the property owner maintains responsibility for insuring the structure against any damage caused by a disaster, including water and fire. However, you may be expected or contractually obligated by your landlord to maintain renters’ insurance that provides numerous coverage to protect your…
There is an old adage that Courts allow a dog to get ‘a free bite’ as far as negligence is concerned. In sum and substance, this means that a Plaintiff in a ‘free bite state’ must prove that the owner knew about a previous bite or the dog’s propensity for violence and aggression in order…
Rhode Island (RI) and Massachusetts (MA) personal injury attorney, David Slepkow and California (CA) negligence and injury lawyer, Steven Sweat, have coordinated their efforts to provide this multi-state analysis of tort and injury Insurance law. Most non lawyers assume that liability, negligence and insurance law is relatively similar across states in the United States. This…
Travel insurance is a good idea if you are planning on spending thousands of dollars for a dream vacation. There are so many scenarios that could cause an interruption including weather, illness, late flights and more. Too often, those who travel overlook this important option for vacation. In fact, overall only 22 percent of travelers…
Negotiating with insurance companies in an effort to obtain compensation after a vehicle accident is often challenging. In some incidences, insurance carriers do not properly negotiate a claim for accident and injury compensation in good faith. When a car, motor vehicle or premises accident victim is denied appropriate and reasonable compensation for their injuries caused…
The ASERMELY V ALLSTATE decision in 1999 was a very bold and important decision by the Rhode Island Supreme Court. In Asermely, The RI Supreme Court essentially said ‘enough is enough’ to big insurance and their divisive, unfair and heavy handed tactics. In a decision which was essentially dicta, but constitutes the current law in…
Insurance companies are in a vast, unorganized yet effective conspiracy to deprive nearly all victims of medical malpractice from any recourse or compensation through the American Justice system. “Independent and non-partisan studies have shown that approximately 100,000 patients die each year in hospitals due to medical malpractice.” – lgslaw http://www.lgslaw.net/articles/medical-malpractice-cases/#sthash.EdmBtzOL.dpuf It has come to this,…
Part 4 of 10 Hate the Player and Hate the Game Series If the insurance company respects the personal injury lawyer who represents the injured claimant then the claim’s settlement value increases exponentially. Insurance Adjusters, the empty suits at the insurance company and insurance defense injury attorneys are too savvy to be afraid of cheesy auto accident…
Part 3 of 10 If insurance companies benefit from the float then why do insurance companies offer quick and easy settlements to motor vehicle accident and premises liability victims before they can retain a good personal injury lawyer? Also see: Part 1 of 10: Why Insurance Companies Delay, Deny & Objectify Injured Victims as “Float”.…